對 3D 建模和 3D 列印新手來說,Tinkercad 是易學易用的入門建模工具。底下是一些教學影片的匯集。
If you are new to 3D modeling or 3D printing, Tinkercad would be your best entry level 3D modeler. Here are some of the tutorials.
Tinkercad is for 3D beginners and hobbyists. But can we model complex objects in Tinkercad?
If you are new to 3D modeling or 3D printing, Tinkercad would be your best entry level 3D modeler. Here are some of the tutorials.
- Tinkercad 3D 建模軟體按部就班入門(How to: Use Tinkercad 3D Design Software 101)
- 零基礎初學者 Tinkercad 教學(Getting Started in Tinkercad: A Tutorial for Complete Beginners)
- 建一個相機雲台底座,超實用!(兩段影片)
- 用 Tinkercad 做齒輪!
雖說 Tinkercad 主要是給 3D 建模初學者或興趣玩家,而且都以基本幾何形為基礎,難道 Tinkercad 不能做自由曲面模型嗎?Tinkercad is for 3D beginners and hobbyists. But can we model complex objects in Tinkercad?
- 製作有機形體:用曲線和曲面工具製作龍蝦(Tinkercad Tutorial - Organic Shapes: Jeff shows how to model a lobster by using some flexible shape generators.)
還想學更多 Tinerkcad 基礎或進階建模技巧的朋友,請上 YouTube 搜尋 Tinkercad 即可找到一堆教學和示範。不過,如果複雜度較高,建議還是改用進階工具,例如 SketchUp Free 或 SketchUp Make。